Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Alive, the Undead,and the Forgotten

Image result for walking dead season 5
One of the genera’s that I love to watch on television is horror. I think one of the reasons I love horror so much is because of the cinematography which includes animation and costumes. In my lifetime I have seen numerous series that comprised of horror or the supernatural. However, none have compared to the Walking Dead, which I have watched for six consecutive seasons and now I will be watching their seventh season which is going to air this October. Now, if you are not familiar with the series you’re probably asking yourself “What is Walking Dead?” The Walking Dead series is based on a virus that infected the human population and left behind a devastating group of survivors that came from different nationalities and social economic backgrounds. Due to those circumstances out of despair and necessity formed a group that as time passed resembled a family that have gone through extreme life altering situations in which they have had to make decisions that ultimately effected their existence. Although, the series is set on zombies what I find fascinating about this series is that it’s not the zombies that frighten you, it’s the survivors that do, by demonstrating to the viewers how far they would go in order to secure their survival by always testing their humanity everyday of their lives. 
genera’s (noun) – category, groups
cinematography (noun) – the art of making motion picture for example: movies, and television shows.
animation (noun) – the technique of photographing, drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an illusion of movement.
costumes (plural noun)— outfits, clothes
compared (past tense verb) – contrast, differentiate
watched (past tense verb) – look, observe, view
nationalities (plural noun) – citizenship, race, ethnic group
social economic backgrounds (adjective) – relating to the interaction between social and economic factors of a person.
formed (past tense verb) – create, build, initiate
passed (past tense verb) – go, proceed, move
resembled (past tense verb) – look like, similar
effected (past tense verb) – cause something to happen.
Vocabulary Exercise:
Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word.

  1. There are many ____________________of movies and books that I like.
  2. These costumes in this store are better quality _________________to the costumes of the other store.
  3. For Halloween I __________________so many scary movies.
  4. Our teacher said there going to be different students representing their ______________on cultural day at our school. 
  5. Ann __________________the dough into cookies that ________________pumpkins.
  6. Jeffery__________________the stop on the train he was supposed to get off.
  7. My doctor said that many people were _________________by the virus this year. 
Grammar Point: There are verbs that are the past tense. These verbs are formed by adding -ed to the base word for example: pass which is a present verb becomes passed a past tense verb.
Grammar Assignment: Write five sentences utilizing the vocabulary past tense verb words from the passage above.


  1. My brother is a fan, but I don't watch it. I really like the vocabulary words and definitions.
    By the way, I think you want the word "genre" not genera, which is the plural of "genus" and used in biology.

  2. This is a great description of The Walking Dead! As you know, I am also a huge fan of this show. Along with all the things you mentioned I also enjoy that the characters are multidimensional and that the main characters are subject to dying which makes the show unpredictable. I agree with you, it really is fascinating to see the behaviors that emerge from conditions of survival.
